Annual Allowance

One of the benefits of your pension is that it is tax free, up to a certain limit. This limit is known as your annual allowance. We've put together this page to explain the rules and help you understand your options.


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Calculating your annual allowance

Your annual allowance is calculated by working out the change in value of your pension benefits over the year, including any automatic lump sum and additional contributions (if applicable).

The final figure (after adding together steps 1, 2 and 3) is your total Pension Input Amount (PIA). If your PIA is greater than your £60,000 annual allowance, you may have to pay a tax charge. 

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Carry forward rule

Even if you have exceeded your annual allowance, there’s still a chance you won’t have to pay an annual allowance tax charge. The carry forward rule allows you to include any unused annual allowance from the three previous years towards this year’s allowance (as long as you have been a member of a tax-registered pension scheme in that year). 

Tapered annual allowance (for high earners)

While the annual allowance for most people is £60,000, this limit is reduced (tapered) for high earners. So, if your ‘threshold income’ is greater than £200,000 or your ‘adjusted’ income is greater than £260,000, the tax relief available on your pension varies (see table below). 

Threshold income = Total Income – pension contributions (including AVCs)  lump sum death benefits from other pension schemes. 

Adjusted income = Total income + pension growth (PIA)any lump sum death benefits.

Tapered annual allowance works on a sliding scale, so the more you earn, the less tax relief you receive (see examples in table below). The minimum tapered annual allowance is £10,000. 

Total adjustable incomeAnnual allowance
£260,000 or below£60,000
£360,000 or more£10,000 
Tapered annual allowance from 2023/24 onwards

Confirming your annual allowance tax charge

To work out whether there’s a tax charge for you to pay, visit the HMRC website where you will find full details of what is and isn’t included.

Unfortunately, as your pension administrators, we are not regulated to offer tax advice, which means we are limited in the support we can provide. If you do need advice on your personal tax situation, you should speak to a professional adviser.

Please be aware

It is your personal responsibility to account for and pay the correct amount of tax in relation to your annual pension savings. 

Paying your annual allowance tax

If you receive a letter from us, which includes your annual allowance and Pensions Savings statement, it’s probably because you’re over your annual allowance limit. Please read the contents carefully, as it will outline exactly where you’re up to and what, if anything, you need to pay.  

If you do have tax to pay, you have two options: 

If you wish to use Scheme Pays, you will need to complete a form, which we can provide on request (by completing the online contact form). Just be aware that once you’ve signed and returned this form, you can’t change your mind.

Understanding the annual allowance process

Annual Allowance process

Useful links and additional information

Tax advice

LPPA is not registered to offer financial advice. If you don’t have a financial adviser or a professional tax adviser, websites such as may be able to help you find a suitable candidate.


You can find additional information about the Annual Allowance on HMRC’s website

The Money and Pensions Service

For independent advice on your pensions, visit the Money & Pensions Service website

Lifetime allowance

Discover the maximum lifetime pension value you can build before paying tax

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All-important pay dates for your diary for the next 12 months

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