Member newsletters

Our digital newsletters are designed for anyone with a Local Government, Police or Firefighter pension administered by LPPA.  

News Hub member newsletters

To help you find the content that’s right for you, we create dedicated newsletters for active/deferred members and retirees. Our aim is to pass on relevant pension information, in a format that’s simple, straightforward and easy to understand. 

Our digital newsletters allow you to keep up to date with the latest pension news. They make it easier to search, share and bookmark articles that are relevant to you – as well as linking you to more detailed information on our website. 

Latest newsletters

LGPS Active/deferred members 2024

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Read the latest updates for your LGPS pension including this year’s annual benefit statement, pension increase and more. Plus, find out how your workplace pension can provide for your loved ones after you’re gone.

LGPS Active/deferred members 2024

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Read the latest updates for your LGPS pension including this year’s annual benefit statement, pension increase and more. Plus, find out how your workplace pension can provide for your loved ones after you’re gone.

Retired members 2024

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Planning for retirement 2024

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Previous newsletters

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