Your pension benefits

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Your pension benefits

Typical benefits associated with your pension may include:

• A guaranteed annual income when you retire.

• The option of a flexible lump sum payment when you retire.

• A lump sum (known as a death grant) payable to a nominated beneficiary in the event of your death (up to a certain age).

The additional benefits associated with your pension may include:

  • The option to increase your pension contributions (with AVCs or APCs).
  • The option to decrease your pension contributions (for Local Government members) by joining the 50/50 scheme, depending on your scheme.
  • The option to retire early for reduced benefits (the age varies, depending on your scheme).
  • The option to delay your retirement (up to the age of 75) and receive increased benefits.

Your benefits are calculated based on your earnings and how long you’ve been in the scheme, from when you set up your pension until your agreed retirement date. They are also adjusted in line with inflation.

The easiest way to get an estimate of your pension benefits is by using our online calculator, which you can access via your online account (on most schemes).

Yes, we calculate your benefits based on information your employer passes to us. So, if they provide us with further information after the original calculation, such as reduced working hours, we would adjust them accordingly.

After receiving your first pension payment, your pension benefits won’t change other than any inflation related increases.

Your benefits are paid monthly usually at the end of the month (or at the start of the month for police members).

Depending on the day of the month you start to take your pension, you will receive your first payment either at the end of the current month or the following month. This will include any arrears dating back to your retirement date.

Lump sum pension payments

One-off lump sum (trivial commutation)

Guaranteed minimum pension (GMP) 

Increasing and decreasing your benefits

Yes, depending on your scheme, you may be able to take Additional Pension Contributions (APC) or Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVC) to increase your benefits. Most schemes will allow you to take out an APC. Plus local government schemes will also allow you to take out an ‘in house’ AVC.

Yes, depending on your scheme, you may be able to take the 50/50 option to decrease your contributions costs. Just be aware that this will also decrease your pension benefits. It’s always worth speaking to a financial adviser before making any changes.

Strictly speaking, there is no limit on the amount of pension contributions you can pay, but there is a limit on how much pension you can build up before paying tax. See the FAQs on annual allowance and lifetime allowance for more information.

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